I see the help DataBinding Support for WinGanttView and do the same code,but it look like not correct.
see pic:
task start time become the same.........
I am trying to bind WinGanttView using dataSet from database.
But it is not displaying in control.
can you share some example of binding WinGanttView using dataSet from database.
Just assign the name of the field that contains the Constraint values to the ConstraintMember property, and prepopulate the field with 'StartNoEarlierThan'.
hellow brian .
im having the exact same problem
could you please send me an example of how to change the value of Constraint to 'StartNoEarlierThan'
thank you .
Somebody shoul correct the example in your documentation ...
Sorry, I didn't notice anything by looking at the screenshot, but now I see your point. The reason is that when the 'ConstraintMember' field is not set, the default value for the Constraint property will be used, which is 'AsSoonAsPossible', which usually makes the task start at the same time as the project. Using a value of 'StartNoEarlierThan' for the Constraint will cause the task to use the StartDateTime.