I use UltraDockManager for displaying UserControls in tab form.
I use this code:
internal static class common
public static DockableGroupPane grouppane; public static Form mainform;
static common()
grouppane = new DockableGroupPane(); grouppane.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.TabGroup;
To open a new pane programmatically:
public static void openPane(UserControl form) {
var page = new DockableControlPane(form); grouppane.Panes.Add(page);
mainform.ResumeLayout(); }
The problem is:
When I click the "X" button of the DockableControlPane, the pane disappears, but is not really closed. It stays in the Panes collection of the DockableGroupPane.
E.g. if I want to open the same pane again after closing it before, i get an error "key exists in collection", because the pane was not correctly closed.
How can I completely close a pane, including the UserControl?
Please let me know if you need more information.
Best regards
Recently I added the UltraControlManager to my MDI Form and I found the same problem.
I solved adding the BeforePaneButtonClick to UltraControlManager like this and I worked fine for me:
Private Sub udockmanager_BeforePaneButtonClick(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.CancelablePaneButtonEventArgs) Handles udockmanager.BeforePaneButtonClick
If e.Button = PaneButton.Close Then For Each p As DockableControlPane In Me.udockmanager.ControlPanes p.Close() 'close/hide the pane p.Control.Dispose() 'unload its content Next End If End Sub
Hope this can help!
Related articles:
Panes do not seem to be closing correctly
Closing a DockableControlPane
Need Closing event of DockableControlPane