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PopupMenuTool in UIExtensionSite


I'am stucking in a bad situation.
I'm developing a CAB application, using UIExtensionSite to accessing the Ribbon in distributed mode from any CAB module.
After registered a site:

MyWorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite("SiteName", this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.Tabs["tabKey"].Groups["groupKey"].Tools);

in a certain CAB module, I try to add toolbar tools present on another module. It is a kind of merge: when a module get displayed it need to merge its Ribbon tools on a main Ribbon.

All goes well, until I have to add a PopupMenuTool with its tools collection already filled.

I really don't know how to do it correctly.

In the specific case I have to add some ButtonTool in the PopupMenuTool, so I create this buttons, set their graphics property like images and their event handlers:

this.popupMenuTool.DropDownArrowStyle = DropDownArrowStyle.Segmented;
ButtonTool buttonTool1 = new ButtonTool("buttonTool1");
buttonTool1.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = TilePanelWorkspaceResources.buttonTool1.ToBitmap();
buttonTool1.ToolClick +=new ToolClickEventHandler(buttonTool1_ToolClick);
ButtonTool buttonTool2 = new ButtonTool("buttonTool2");
buttonTool2.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = TilePanelWorkspaceResources.ButtonTool2.ToBitmap();
buttonTool2.ToolClick +=new ToolClickEventHandler(buttonTool2_ToolClick);
ButtonTool buttonTool3 = new ButtonTool("buttonTool3 ");
buttonTool3.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = TilePanelWorkspaceResources.buttonTool3.ToBitmap();
buttonTool3.ToolClick += new ToolClickEventHandler(buttonTool3_ToolClick);
ButtonTool buttonTool4 = new ButtonTool("buttonTool4");
buttonTool4.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = TilePanelWorkspaceResources.buttonTool4.ToBitmap();
buttonTool4.ToolClick += new ToolClickEventHandler(buttonTool4_ToolClick);
this.popupMenuTool.Tools.AddRange(new ToolBase[] { buttonTool1,buttonTool2, buttonTool3, buttonTool4 } );

Then I Add this PopupMenuTool to the registered site:


What happen?

In the Ribbon I see correctly the PopupMenuTool with its buttons, but If I click these buttons nothing happen, events are not catched.

Please help me, any advices will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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  • 1149
    Verified Answer

    Hi all,

    I wasn't able to merge the PopupMenuTool with its tools, but I find a different way.
    What I have done is to create all tools that will be added to the PopupMenuTool as before, but do not add it to the PopupMenuTool.
    Then I registered the PopupMenuTool tools collection as UIExtensioneSite and added tools on that site in a public method :

    public void AddMyPopupMenuTools(string siteNameUIExt)
    if (!this.RootWorkItem.UIExtensionSites.Contains("ToolsCollectionSiteName"))
    this.RootWorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite(ToolsCollectionSiteName, GetAdapter(this.RootWorkItem, this.myPopupMenuTool.Tools));

    private IUIElementAdapter GetAdapter(WorkItem workItem, object item)
    IUIElementAdapterFactoryCatalog adapterFactoryCatalog = workItem.Services.Get<IUIElementAdapterFactoryCatalog>();
    IUIElementAdapterFactory adapterFactory = adapterFactoryCatalog.GetFactory(item);
    IUIElementAdapter adapter = adapterFactory.GetAdapter(item);
    return adapter;

    It's very hard to explain all the entire issue, but I think this problem could be very common in case you merge two ribbons using UIExtensionSites.


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