There is an ultraGrid(named ultraGrid1) and an ultrDropDown(named DDHeadType), the WSHeadTypeNo column's valus is from DDHeadType, now when in the editmode, when I scroll the wheel of the mouse, How to let the data of the WSHeadTypeNo cell in the ultrGrid not to change together? (below a little code to explain the relation and data)
this.DDHeadType.DataSource = datatableDheadtype
this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["WSHeadTypeNo"].Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DropDownValidate; this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["WSHeadTypeNo"].ValueList = this.DDHeadType;
How to realize it? Thanks in advance!
What version of the grid are you using? I tried this out and the MouseWheel scrolls the dropdown when it's dropped down or the grid when it is not dropped down. It never changes the value or the cell or scrolls both at the same time.
in which event to write it? I am not familiar with it,
thank you for your help!
in which event to encode it?
I think you want to handle the MouseWheel event, upcast the MouseEventArgs to HandledMouseEventArgs, and set the Handled property to true. This will prevent the default mouse wheel processing.