Is there anyway to change the top header color (or make it transparent) of the UltraTabStripControl (see area 1 in picture below)?
Also, is there anyway to increase the height of the header to make it looks like picture below on the right?
I've spent a long time on there and still can't figure it out how to do the above in either AppStylist or in VS2005's designer. Is this possible? Thanks for any help!
It's hard to tell what's going on from your end just based on the description, assuming that you're setting the correct role. Just to make sure we're on the same page, here are some screenshots of AppStylist with the role working correctly for me:
One possibility that I can think of is that you might be setting TabItemAreaHorizontalTop and the ISL file that you're using has a TabControlTabItemAreaHorizontalTop role that is overriding the base setting, though you said that you're setting the correct role. It's also hard to tell what's happening without seeing the exact ISL file that you're using, so I would recommend submitting this to the support group so that they can look further into it.
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Thanks for the reply. I've tried changing the TabControlTabItemAreaHorizontalTop's background color, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Can you provide some specific step-by-step examples, if possible, with screen shots that I can follow? Thanks!
As for the height of the header, can force the row of the tab buttons or add some hidden tab buttons to accomplish this?
You should be able to change the appearance of the area you marked with the TabControlTabItemAreaHorizontalTop UIRole in AppStylist unless you are somehow overriding this appearance. As for increasing the header area height, there is no intrinsic way to accomplish this since this area is calculated based on the height of the tabs and the number of rows.