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ParentDataRow and IsGroupByRow

I often need to traverse a multi-band grid to do various things. Many times I need to refer to the parent row but only if that row is not a GroupBy row. In that case I need to refer to .ParentRow.ParentRow. So, what I usually do is something like:

if (row.IsGroupByRow)




Although a big clunky, it works. There are some cases, however, when this approach won't work such as when I'm selecting the rows with a lambda expression such as:

var MyStuff = from UltraGridRow row in MyGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands["MyBand"].GetRowEnumerator(GridRowType.DataRow)

where <some filter>

select MyStuff


   row.Cells["MyCell 0"].Value.ToString();



Now, if that ParentRow is a GroupBy, then it won't work. It can be overcome using the ? : operator but again, it's clunky.

The feature I'd like to see, if it doesn't already exist, is a property on the row called ParentDataRow which would return the first parent row that is not a GroupBy Row.

I've created an extension method which accomplishes this.

    public static class UltraGridRowEx
        public static UltraGridRow ParentDataRow(this UltraGridRow row)
            if (row.ParentRow.IsGroupByRow)
                return ParentDataRow(row.ParentRow);
                return row.ParentRow;

It would be nice, however, if it were built in.

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    Hello Kylemwhite

    Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your solution with the community. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.


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