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Opening a closed pane in ultradockmanager

Ok, So when i click on a radio button i want a number of panes contained in my dock manager to close or open (ie become visible or invisible).

This is easily done by setting the panes closed property to true or false. I can then set it to unpin using the Unpin() method.

However when i Set the closed property to false, the pane immediately 'fly's out' so is visible to the user, then the unpin takes affect and hides the control.

Is there any way that i can make the pane not fly out when iange its closed prop to false?


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    I've been trying to reproduce this behavior but things seem to work as expected.  Let's make sure I'm following your course of action. 

    I docked a control in a pane.  (for this case I docked it to the right side).  At runtime I unpin the pane and it hides away and I'm left with the unpinned tab showing the caption.  I click a button that causes that hidden pane to close and it just closes without flying out. 

    Did I do the same steps?  I did not see anything submitted as an issue with this behavior described so I cannot say it was fixed but I tested this using several builds of 10.2.  Which version specifically are you using and seeing this behavior in.  If my steps were wrong please point in the right direction so that I may be able to help find a resolution to this scenario. 

    FYI, my code for the button click that "toggled" between close and show:

    DockableControlPane dcp = this.ultraDockManager1.PaneFromControl(this.ultraButton4);
    if (dcp.Closed)

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