I have recently switched to Infragistics because I felt (and still do) that Infragistics offers the best suite of controls for WinForms development, based on working evaluations of other vendors' Winform controls.
For reports, I come from a Crystal reports background and generating reports with the Infragistics document engine is a different experience (e.g., no "banded" GUI for report design). I have written a few exceptionally simple reports using Infragistics document engine with no problem, but some formerly easy reports with Crystal seem to be daunting with the document engine. For example, below is a typical report specification representative of what would be given me for a new report, easy for me in Crystal, but (for me) a challenge with the document engine:
Part <<PartNo>> Unit of Measure <<UOM>> Description <<Descript>>
Plant <<PlantID>>
Warehouse On Hand On Order Supply
<<WID>> <<OnHand>> <<sum(Orders.Qty)>> <<OnHand + sum(Orders.Qty)>>
There are subtotals for on-hand, on-order and supply at the warehouse level, as well as at the plant and grand total levels. For reference, there are three different plants with multiple warehouses and over a thousand different inventory items. Inventory control managers do not want to see information in a grid, they just want to click on a menu selection, enter parameters in a prompt, and print.
I have gone through the Infragistics documentation and sample code and have not found anything that addresses such an example. Of course, there is nothing that says I can't continue to use Crystal Reports anymore, but I do like a challenge and would like to use Crystal less (for other reasons, Crystal can be such a dog). The subtotals and calculated column are not the issue for me, but rather the issue for me is the embedded "banding" or grouping of the different "levels" that wrap around rows of detail.
Any suggestions for coding such a report or are there references to examples of other multi-level reports for something like warehouse/inventory management using the Infragistics document engine?
I'm having a hard time understanding your question - probably because I am utterly unfamilar with Crsytal Reports. So it's not clear to me exactly what you mean by "banding" or "levels".
Can you explain in a little more detail what you are trying to acheive?
I don't think the Documents engine has any support for replacement codes like you have shown here. You will need to write code to export rows of data by looping through your data and adding each line to the report one at a time.
It sounds like maybe what you are looking for is a way to organize the report into groups with a header and then some indented rows of data and then another header (exdented out to the level of the first header) and then some more indented rows of data. There are a couple of ways you could do this. One would be to simply use Tabs. Another would be to use an ITree structure in the report.
Let me know if I can help you with something (questions, implementation)