Hi All,
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the font and font colour of the MoreIndicatorText ("more..." by default)?
My problem is the chart could have a Black background which will make the MoreIndicatorText invisible...
(Infragistics) David Negley said: you could also use the FillSceneGraph event to find the Text primitive for the more indicator, and change the font color in code.
you could also use the FillSceneGraph event to find the Text primitive for the more indicator, and change the font color in code.
Hi David,
Thanks for the suggestion! I had a look and I've established the MoreIndicatorText's primitive is an item in the SceneGraph collection object, but as it's simply an indexed array I'm unable to establish a stable way of obtaining that object...
The best way I can see so far would be to check for the "more..." text, but (although very unlikely) if a chart were to have a value in the graph that is labelled "more..." for whatever reason this obviously cause a problem...
Any suggestions?
Hi Alex,
That's a shame. Many thanks for your response though. I've submitted a feature request as you've suggested.
Hello Richard,
To the best of my knowledge there is no exposed property for the MoreIndicatorText text appearance.
You may want to submit this as a feature request on this link.