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Showing buttons in a grid cells

I have a grid with multiple columns.  In one of the columns I need to show 3 buttons and in another column I need to show 2 buttons.

When the screen loads I create a three button editor and a two button editor.  See code below:

        private UltraTextEditor TwoButtonEditor = new UltraTextEditor();

        private UltraTextEditor ThreeButtonEditor = new UltraTextEditor(); 

        private void CreateTwoButtonCellEditor()


            EditorButton Charge = new EditorButton();

            EditorButton Waive = new EditorButton();


            Charge.Text = "C";

            Charge.Width = 34;

            Charge.Key = WorkViewAccountsConstants.CHARGE_KEY;

            Waive.Text = "W";

            Waive.Width = 34;

            Waive.Key = WorkViewAccountsConstants.WAIVE_KEY;




            TwoButtonEditor.EditorButtonClick += TwoButtonEditor_EditorButtonClick;



        private void CreateThreeButtonCellEditor()


            EditorButton Approve = new EditorButton();

            EditorButton Reject = new EditorButton();

            EditorButton HFF = new EditorButton();


            Approve.Text = "A";

            Approve.Width = 34;

            Approve.Key = WorkViewAccountsConstants.APPROVE_KEY;

            Reject.Text = "R";

            Reject.Width = 34;

            Reject.Key = WorkViewAccountsConstants.REJECT_KEY;

            HFF.Text = "H";

            HFF.Width = 34;

            HFF.Key = WorkViewAccountsConstants.HFF_KEY;





            ThreeButtonEditor.EditorButtonClick += ThreeButtonEditor_EditorButtonClick;



In the InitializeRow event of the grid I add the editors to the correct row cells like this:

            row.Cells[WorkViewAccountsConstants.COL_DECISION_BUTTONS].EditorComponent = ThreeButtonEditor;

            row.Cells[WorkViewAccountsConstants.COL_FEEDECISION_BUTTONS].EditorComponent = TwoButtonEditor;


When I show the grid, the buttons in the cells do not appear.  When the mouse enters the cells, the buttons appears.  When the mouse leaves the cells the buttons disappear.  I read a post where a ToolTip was causing this issue so I added the following statement to the grid to turn off the ToolTip:

this.gridTransactions.DisplayLayout.Override.TipStyleCell = TipStyle.Hide;

The problem still exists.


Is there something I'm not doing correctly?  Also, how do I capture when the user clicks a button in a cell?  I added the event handler you see in the code above, but when I set a break point in the ThreeButtonEditor_EditorButtonClick and TwoButtonEditor_EditorButtonClick methods, nothing happens.  The event isn't firing.





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