I had to create a custom appointment dialog, but I want to use the recurrence feature the way it is in the Infragistic appointment dialog. I have a button and I show the recurrence dialog, but I just realized this is only part of the recurrence feature. 1) I don't seem to have all of the information to reopen the recurrence dialog before saving the appointment even though I saved the recurrence from the dialog into the appoihnt. 2) I figured out that I need to show the RecurrenceEditTypeDialog to edit a recurrence. Is there an easier way to do al lof this rather than manually? Is there a way to tap into some Infragistics code that will handle displaying the recurrences when the user presses a button in my custom appointment dialog?
The AppointmentDialog2007 sample (included with the SDK) demonstrates showing a custom RecurrenceDialog from a custom AppointmentDialog, but the approach would be the same as it is for showing the stock RecurrenceDialog. You are correct about the RecurrenceEditTypeDialog; it looks like the sample omits this for simplicity sake but all you need to do is add some intermediary code before showing the RecurrenceDialog, like this:
RecurrenceEditTypeDialog d = new RecurrenceEditTypeDialog(appointment, RecurrenceEditTypeDialogType.Open);d.ShowDialog();RecurrenceEditTypeDialogResult result = d.Result;switch ( result ){ case RecurrenceEditTypeDialogResult.Cancel: break; case RecurrenceEditTypeDialogResult.Series: appointment = appointment.RecurringAppointmentRoot;}