how to apply date mask in ultracalendarcombo?
Asad Naeem
The UltraCalendarCombo control does not support masking. UltraDateTimeEditor does, although it displays a .NET MonthCalendar control in the dropdown portion. You can use the Infragistics framework to "roll your own" control that does both these things, by adding a DropDownEditorButton to an UltraMaskedEditor's EditorButtons collection, then assigning an UltraMonthViewMulti control to the DropDownEditorButton's Control property. There is some additional coding necessary to move the edited value between the masked edit control and the dropdown, but not that much.
Hi, I am trying to implement the solution you gave, I just ran into a tricky problem:
In the moment that I add the DropDownEditorButton to the EditorButtons collection, a combo like button appears, thats fine for me, but when I run the app, two buttons appear !
Is anything that has to be done to remove the extra button ?
you are right same proble i faced when i made a user control and droped it on the form. infact if u see the form's designer filer there is also an other entry of the button due to which there are two buttons. the solution of this problem i applied in my aplication is that i created that button at run time in the constructor or control's Load event with designMode check. If problem exists let me know.
Thx and Regards
Thanks for the workaround, but I d like to know if there's a way to remove that from the designer, maybe some of the infragistics guys can give us a pointer.
i dont think that this is the problem at infragisticas end. It is aat our end or Microsoft end.
Anyways Best of Luck
Why would it be, you yourseld stated that you had the same behaviour?