I'm afraid you lost me with all that stuff about Delphi and tlb's. I don't think our assemblies are any different than any other assemblies in this regard, so if other assemblies work, I can't see why ours would not. If this is a limitation, it probably has nothing to do with the assemblies themselves, it's probably a limitation of Delphi. You might want to ask someone as Oracle if they have had experience with third-party assemblies in situations like this.
As for determining if the latest version fixes the problem, the easiest thing for you to do would be to download a trial version and test it out. You could make a copy of your project, update the copy to the new version, and see what happens.
I'd certainly be happy to try to find a workaround for you. But there's not much I can do without being able to see and debug the issue. As I said above, we would need a small sample project demonstrating the exception. Are you able to reproduce the exception reliably in a small sample? If so, just post it here and I will check it out.
It's hard to tell, but judging by the limited information here and what's in the call stack, this looks like it might be a bug in the grid. But, I also noticed that you are using v7.3 of the grid, which is almost 3 years old. No more updates are being made to that version.
So the first thing I would recommend is that you make sure you have the latest service release:
How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community
If that does not help, then I'd suggest that you download a trial version of the latest release of NetAdvantage and see if the problem goes away.
If none of that helps, then we would need to have a small sample project demonstrating the error so we could debug it and figure out what it is about your layout that is causing it to fail.