When i load a 1.6 MB xml file to my grid and i use CollapseAll(true) or ExpandAll(true) it freezes the application. (not with a smaller file)
It doesn't matter how many rows are expanded. If i try CollapseAll(true), the app is not responding !
code: this.ultraGrid.Rows.CollapseAll(true);
What's the limit ? Or what's wrong ?
It's not possible to post a sample project. I can share a sreenshot.
If MaxBandDepth did not help, then I don't know what the problem is. Can you post a small sample project demonstrating the issue so we can check it out?
The data source is recursive.
set : MaxBandDepth = 5 and SyncWithCurrencyManager = false
Makes no sence. Same result. After a v_e_r_y long wait, everything (two rows expanded) is closed.
The most obvious cause of something like this is that the data source you are using is recursive, and there are therefore an indefinite number of bands in the grid to expand or collapse.
Check out the WinGrid Performance Guide. In particular, the section 4 on "Recursion" should help you resolve the issue.