I load a xml file in a DataSet validating it with a XSD schema.In my XSD schema one of the attributes is set to : type="xs:unsignedLong"In my dataset it's set to datatype 'System.UInt64'. (checked it !)In my UltraWinGrid Designer the corresponding column property 'DataType' is set to 'System.UInt64'
When i test it on runtime the column datatype returns 'System.String'So sorting the numeric values goes wrong. It's sorted alphabetical.(Already tried to set te property 'Style' to 'Integer' !)
How to force a numeric sort ?
Sincere apologies for the misunderstanding.Erroneously generated another dataset at runtime for testing purposes.Through your critical questions, I found the problem.Many thanks.
What you are describing here does not seem possible to me. The grid column's DataType comes directly from the DataSource. There's no way the DataSource field could be UInt64 and the grid column's DataType be anything different than that.
Are you checking both the DataType of the field in the data source and the grid column's DataType at run-time? My guess is that your run-time data source is the problem here, not the grid.
If I am wrong and the data types are actually not matching at run-time, then could you post a small sample project demonstrating this so we can take a look?