[using Infragistics v7.2]
how do I apply styling to just 1 UltraExplorerBarGroup item in an UltraExplorerBar ?
In the explorer bar, I have a number of explorerbar group items. I would like to change the heading colour on one of the items.
I've created a style library and have created an extra style set for the different style I want applied to the item.
In code, I have the following line:
investigationGroup.ItemSettings.AppearancesLarge.Appearance.StyleLibraryName = "InvestigationStyle";
When the application runs though, all ExplroerBarGroup items are changed to the new colour.
Set the StyleLibraryName directly on that item:
investigationGroup.Items["MySpecialItem"].Settings.AppearancesLarge.Appearance.StyleLibraryName = "InvestigationStyle";
where "MySpecialItem" is the Key of the item you want to set the StyleLibraryName of explicitly.
Setting a Group's ItemSettings property will apply to all the items in the Group.
Setting a property directly on the item will override any setting from it's group or the control itself.