Could you provide help on how to implement the following scenario using WinValidator.On Leave(or Validating) of a control, if validation fail I would like: - the user is able to leave the control; - an image is displayed near the control in error; - a BallonTip is displayed over the error image, and automatically disappear after determined amount of time; - the user can consult again the BallonTip by pointing the mouse over the image error. I though I could use a combination of NotificationAction.Image and NotificationAction.BalloonTip, but BalloonTip seems to work only if RetainFocusOnError is set to true, which is not true in my case.
Hello Patrick,
As far understood your question you are looking for a way to use BallonTip validation and leave the control even is not valid and still display the tooltip. As far I can see the BallonTip is not working in this way. So I would suggest you to use UltraToolTipManager and display the BallonTip when your control is not valid.
I have created a simple sample based on your requirements, and to achieve to display BallonTip I was using UltraToolTipManager. For more information about UltraToolTipManager please look at the following links:
Please let me know if you have any further questions.