I am using an UltraListView where each item's value.ToString() provides the text that is displayed to the user. When the value object changes what it returns for ToString to be a longer string, the item clips the the text even though there is plenty of room in the column.
How can I prevent the clipping?
(I am building with 2009.2)
After some more experimenting, I found that the modified text appears if I clear the SelectedItems collection and restore the selection. The list uses single selection so this is straightforward. However, it is doing this for every keystroke. This seems like a major kludge.
Is there a better way?
Thank you for your response Hristo.
I am actually using .View set to List. I have only one column and do not need a column header. I tried setting the .View to Details but that did not help. Plus it added a column header.
I tried several of the TextTrimming values but that only seems to change what happens when text is trimmed. It does not seem to affect the size of the item's text region.
The .AutoFitColumns did not affect the size of the text region either.
If I change the name such that the text is trimmed, selecting a different item in the list causes the full text of the modified item to become visible.
Is there something I can call that will cause the text extent to be recalculated?
Hello Larry,
As far I understand you are using UltraListView with .View set to Details. To manage Text trimming set .ItemSettings.Appearance.TextTrimming to one of enumerated value or there are settings regarding the column sizing like .AutoFitColumns which will control the sizing.
Let me know if you have any further questions.