Hi i have a form with a grid.
i have to click a cell with a checkbox in it...
then click the movenext button outside of the grid to move to the next record in my bindingsource
then click the next checkbox
and so on...
i am trying to trap the keydownevent of the grid to call the movenext function. but it only works if they grid itself is selected , the header for example... if the focus is still on the cell with the checkbox.. the keydown event is not trapped by mygrd.keydown
anything i am missing
What key are you using?
The only reason I can think of that something like this would happen is if the check editor in the grid cell is processing the key before the event fires.
I tried this out and it works fine for me. But clicking with the mouse and then using the keyboard to move to the next cell down is rather awkward, anyway. Wouldn't it make more sense to simply use the down arrow and the space key?