ultratoolbar RibbonGroup scroll is not present at runtime.
at design time it show a RibbonGroup scroll for each Ribbon, but at runtime caption of all RibbonGroup is trimmed and scroll disappears.
Resizing logic is not used at design-time, so you can see all the tools in their preferred sizes. However, at run-time, the ribbon and its tools are resized based on the form size so all the contents of the currently selected tab are in view. This includes shrinking ribbon groups if need be so they are confined to the tools they contain (this may mean cutting off some of the captions), shrinking tools to smaller sizes, collapsing ribbon groups to drop-down buttons, etc... Only when no more resizing can be done will the scroll buttons appear.
Hi Mike,
Don't you think that ideally shrinking and removing of caption should be done at last . Showing the RibbonGroup Scroll buttons and DropDown buttons should be done first or default. I am facing the same problem. I am having a MDI form with Toolbar manager, if I set the
ribbonTab.GroupSettings.CanCollapse =
DefaultableBoolean.False; on all tabs
Anyone? Mike Pls help