When I use the sort function for the WinGrid, it sorts the front-end data correctly. Is there anyway the bounded DataView correspond to the exact format the front-end is showing?
There's really no great way to do this. You could attempt to examine the SortedColmuns collection on the grid and then sotr your data source, but there's no way to the grid can do this, and it's likely that your sorting might be sightly different than the sorting of the grid. Particularly in the case where there are duplicate values, the order will be arbitrary.
Another option you might want to consider is using one of the External settings for the AllowSorting property. This basically just makes the grid show the sort indicators and leaves the sorting to you. So you would handle the grid events like BeforeSortChange and sort your data source instead of sorting the grid. That way they are always in synch.
Ic. I guess i'll just sort the original datasource myself and pass it back to the grid.
Thanks, was just making sure if there's other possibilities out there.