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Note(s) bouncing in month view with all day events.


I am attaching a demo project/solution (Visual Studio 2008, Infragistics NetAdvantege 10.3 for Win forms) and video.

To reproduce:

1. Add an appointment, lasting more than 1 day into CalendarInfo.

2. Add a note in one of those days, that has already mentioned appointment.

3. Bound CalendarInfo with CalendarMonthView (single).

4. Click with mouse in the same week, that note (and appointment) is.


The result - is a "bouncing" Note object. It bounces in the same day.

If you add one more note in the same date - they will change places from time to time.


The full code (not code behind), I used to reproduce this behaviour is:




        public Form1()




            this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Appointments.Add(new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Appointment(this.ultraCalendarInfo1.ActiveDay.Date.AddDays(-2), 


            this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Notes.Add(this.ultraCalendarInfo1.ActiveDay.Date, "I am a NOTE.");

            this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Notes.Add(this.ultraCalendarInfo1.ActiveDay.Date, "Why I am bouncing?");




Is this is a known bug, or is it an expected behaviour? How to work around it without waiting for a new release of Infragistics hot fix?


Thank you in advance.

  • 71886
    Offline posted

    Hello Mantas,

    I was not able to reproduce this behavior like it is in your sample. I attached a sample of my own for you to look into. I would suggest you download the latest service release of your version or download the trial for v11.1 of NetAdvantage and see if it helps. If this issue is still not resolved please do not hesitate to contact us again.
  • 270
