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Grouping In Line Chart

I have a line chart that is popuated by





.dataSet1 = Query;
this.LineChart.DataSource = this.dataSet1;

The query returns :

2010/01/09      6
2010/01/09      4
2010/01/09      3

The chart shows a different point for each row i.e 3 points of values 6, 4 and 3, when what I want is for the data to be grouped by date so that I get one point of value 13.

Is there a property of the chart or something else which would allow me to do this easily ?

The query already contains a sum function so it is difficult to do the grouping there. I could write code to loop round the dataset and sum it myself but I was hoping to avoid it

Thanks John

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  • 26458
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Unfortunately, the line chart doesn't perform any grouping. Our scatter charts have grouping functionality, but even they won't sum up the values. You will have to loop through the dataset and add the values manually.

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