In the UltraWinGrid Feature Picker, i have selected "Row Selector Header Style=Display Column Chooser Button" and Row Selectors=Default Behavior.
For example: We have grid columns as follows:
ID Name Age DOB Location
Suppose, In the column Chooser, If i remove Age, DOB columns, these 2 columns are removed from the Ultragrid. I want to save these grid columns for user.
I want to display only the following 3 columns in the UltraGrid, when the user relogins.
ID Name Location
Can you share the sample code on how to save the Column selections made by the user in "Field Chooser"?. The selection is saved for the user, but can be changed by the user at any time.
The column chooser simply toggles the column's Hidden property. I would think using UltraGrid.DisplayLayout.Save and including the 'Bands' category would persist the state of the column, including its visible state.
I am also facing this problem - Calling Save/Load with PropertyCategories.All seems to save everything but the Column Chooser selections (even though the Hidden property seems to save/load just fine)
Scratch that - problem discovered and solved.