How can i change background color of application file menu button from Blue to Orange ?
I have already tried below code.
Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.FileMenuButtonAppearance.BackColor = Color.Orange
But it did not work properly. Orange color set to File menu button but default blue color viewed as a blure.
So I want to replace default blue color of file menu button to orange. How can i do it ? Any Idea ?
In this pic you can see the blure blue color of file menu button and Recent label.
and i want exactly like this,
I completely satisfied with your answer.
Thanks for your support.
Thank you so much.....
- Hiren
Hello Hairen,
UltraToolbarsManger has a properties Ribbon.ApplicationMenu2010.NavigationMenu.Settings.HotTrackAppearance and Ribbon.ApplicationMenu2010.NavigationMenu.Settings.PressedAppearance, which determine how will look NavigationMenu. Note that Appearance object has two properties BackColor and BackColor2 which determines back color , because Appearance use gradient (BackGradientStyle and BackHatchStile). If BackGradientStyle is different of None , then you should both BackColor and BackColor2 to determine back color appearance. For more information about Appearance object please look at the following links:
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Do u have a any idea about it ??