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Assigning items to a grid column with dropdown list style


I have a grid column with dropdownlist style. I have the below function to return a valuelist from a data source. How can I now assign this valuelist to the grid dropdownlist column?



     Function GetStringValueList(ByVal St As String, ByVal Fld As String) As ValueList
        Dim Cmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand
        Dim Reader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader
        Dim StrValue As String

        Cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(St, LocalConn)
        Reader = Cmd.ExecuteReader()

        Dim valuelist1 As New ValueList()
        While (Reader.Read())
            StrValue = CStr(IIf(Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal(Fld)) Is Nothing, "", Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal(Fld))))
        End While

        GetStringValueList = valuelist1
    End Function

  • 69832
    Offline posted

    Forgive me if I am oversimplifying this but UltraGridColumn exposes a ValueList property, so you would assign the value returned from this method to that property.