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Can't Find DropDownResizeHandleStyle Property in UltraComboEditor

Hey guys, this is probably a dumb question, but I'm stumped.  I see in the 10.3 samples collection a sample about the resizable drop downs, and in the sample code, the UltraComboEditor uses the DropDownResizeHandleStyle property.  Problem is, I can't see that property in my code.

I am using a 10.3 UltraComboEditor, and I see in the References of my project what I would guess are all the relevant Infragistics2 assemblies (Shared.v10.3, Win.Misc.v10.3, Win.UltraWinEditors.v10.3, Win.v10.3) and there are no 10.2 or earlier assemblies (they're all 10.3).

I can't see this property in the designer, nor can I in the code in AutoComplete.  When I paste the name 'DropDownResizeHandleStyle' after the dot, there is no underscore bar in Visual Studio to auto-add a using clause or anything.

So what should I check next?  Any ideas?
