I have a untraToolbarsManager on my form. For some reason I keep losing changes. I'm able to duplicate the behavour, but can't find any solutions. Here are the steps used to reproduce the behaviour.
Right Click on UltraToolbarsManager and select Custom Properties Page then click cancel. Then all the tools I've added in the last 5 months disappear. It is like there is an old version of the settings stored somewhere in the control. Has anyone see this before?
I'm also having problems with this issue. I need to have localisation enabled, for other purposses on my screen, so setting this disabled is a no go!
My deadline is also very hard, so I really need a solution for this
I'm experiencing the same thing and it's very annoying.
I rebuilded by toolbar 4 times yesterday but when I look at the SomeFormWithToolbar.Designer.VB document, none of the changes I made are saved.
Compiling and running the application doesn't help.
The way I'm working around it is by editing the Designer document myself, but that is a) timeconsuming and b) is not the purpose of the Designer document.
Can someone solve this issue?
This problem still occurs with version 8.1.
You don't even need to go into Customize... to see this happening, just compile while your form is opened in the designer and you see the captions disappear.
I attached a sample solution, steps to reproduce are described below.
salchemist said: Infragistics is there any word on this issue with the Localizable=true flag?
Infragistics is there any word on this issue with the Localizable=true flag?
To see the bug:
1- Open solution2- Make sure that the Form1 is not open in the designer.3- compile and run4- see that there are 3 buttons on toolbar with captions Add Modify Delete5- Close form6- Open Form1 in designer7- change any property on the form (it does not need to be on the toolbarsmanager)8- compile9- see the captions have disappeared in the toolbar
This bug does not appear if: a) the form has Localizable = Falseor b) the form is not opened in the designer
Note: you can reset the toolbar to its original state by loading Toolbar.xml.
Marcel Gosselin
Thanks coursouvra for the workaround on this one. I've wasted about a week setting captions, having them erase, repeat.... Infragistics is there any word on this issue with the Localizable=true flag? I am using 7.3.20073.38.
I'd like to know if anyone from infragistics is looking into this problem. Even with the workaround, I'm still getting problems with controls in a form with Localizable=true. It's happening in WinGrids too.