Im fairly new and dont know anything about inftragistics controls. This is ofcourse a basic question, but I have to ask here because I couldnt find any tutorials elsewhere.
I have a c# application, I added a ultralabel and a ultratextbox to start with. But when I run the application, I dont see any different between normal controls and infragistics controls. They are literally same. Please help
Kind Regards,
sorry if I have posted in wrong section
the appearance is the same. but infragistics controls have more functionalities.
for the text box and label, there is no much difference that you can notice.. but other controls (grid for example) are very useful
Ok lets forget about labels and textboxes. But lets say I have added a button and I want to make it to look like office 2007, 2010 or win7 / in otherwords apply particular style. How do I do that? I tried changing the style in the properties of the button but it the appearance doesn't change though...
for example if you look at the below link, the dropdown list and other controls have some certain styles applied. I want to do something like that, changing the appearance.
I know its a basic question im sorry again.. and thanks for your help.
there is a property for the controls call UseOSTheme you should set it to false in order to be able to change style. otherwise it will take the default style of you current OS