I have ultragrid,one column is attched to the dropdown list.when filling from the datasource cell value is not matched with dropdown items eventhough both are same text.when i selected from some value in dropdown iam getting valumember in after row update event.but when i didnt select anything from dropdown it is giving text value in afterrowupdate event because of same text value not matching with dropdown item value. i cant understand why it is not matced value from datasource and cell value both are same.
Ex :ultragrid is filled say A is text value in firstrow first cell if i didnt select anything dropdown which has values (1,A),(2,B),(3,C).
It gives A text value in Afterrowupdate event instead of giving 1 id value
if i select B from dropdown it gives 2 id value in afterupdaterow event
can you please let you know me any code needed to add to match value in dropdown in ultra grid
So you are saying that in your example if the user enters the cell and types the letter "A" and then leaves the row, the cell's Value property returns "A" instead of 1?
The only reason something like that should happen is if the "A" the user types does not match any of the DisplayText items on the list. Is it possible that your list does not actually contain "A", but instead contains "A " (A plus some extra space characters)? If your database is a fixed-sized string, then the A on the list might have some spaces after it, in which case, it will not match up to an "A" the user types without those spaces.