Our customer using Citrix XenApp 5 is expiriencing intermittent problems with UltraDayView: when mouse hovers over bottom part of an appointment: mouse pointer does not change into up-down-arrow, therefore it is not possible to resize the appointment using mouse. The problem appears irregularly and may disappear again in the same control instance after a few minutes.
We were unable to reproduce the problem outside of Citrix environment and have no similar reports from customer using other platforms (MS Terminal Server or regular client OSes).
We are using version 9.1.20091.2012. I suppose this version is no longer mantained, but do You have a suggestion or similar problem reports from other users regarding Citrix environment?
Thanks in advance.
I never heard of that particular problem, but we rely on the ability to capture the mouse for that functionality, so if the platform interferes with that, it would cause problems like the one you describe here.