The documentation for the WinChart have two sections about creating drilldown charts.
1. Set up drilldown Charts
2. Creating a drilldown chart (parts 1-5)
The section 2 (creating a drilldown chart) does not include anything regarding the things covered in the section 1 (set up drilldown charts). So I am still left with the question, how do I set up a drill down chart? Section 1 seemed to have some out-of-the-box functionality, and section 2 seemed to be all manual "smoke and mirrors" where you just change the properties and datasource of the same chart.
How are section 1 and section 2 related? Which method should we use? What is the difference?
Do we need to do both in order to get drilldown functionality??
The two drilldown articles aren't meant to be used together. They show different drilldown approaches. Either of them can be used and it's just a matter of preference. The first approach, however, does have some out-of-the-box feel to it.