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UltraWinTree painting problem, expand buttons are missing

Hello there,

After using UltraWinTree in our project I can say for sure, we have a randomly reproducible error with the tree: the expand/collapse [+/-] button sometimes is not drawn.
What is funny, It's there, you can click on it(!), it works fine, it expands/collapses the node, simple not drawn, invisible.
It happens about 10% chance when there is a tree.
Computer memory is not full, everything is normal.
It happened in WinXP SP3, Win7, Vista as well.
Tree version: 9.2.20092.2083

Do you know something about this error?
Attaching a screenshot.

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  • 20872
    Offline posted

    Hello Pxclient,

    I have been looking into this forum thread, and I have tested the mentioned behavior with the latest service release for 9.2 - 2119. The UltraTree is working fine for me. I am able to see the expansion indicators.

    You always could try your application against the latest version of our WinForms controls which is currently  NetAdvantage for WinForms 11 vol.2

    If you are having any questions with this matter please feel free to let us know.

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