I have an ultraGrid, named ulgSummary. I assigned it to an ultraPopupContainer's datasource and display under an UltraDropDownButton.
Question is, how to allowed the UltraGrid to be resizable by Client at runtime, or what is the workaround to set the UltraGrid to display in preferred size such as what UltraGridColumn method CalculateAutoResizeWidth, possible?
What version of the controls are you using?
We recently added run-time resizing functionality to our dropdowns. So if you have the latest version, you can just do this:
this.ultraPopupControlContainer1.DropDownResizeHandleStyle = Infragistics.Win.DropDownResizeHandleStyle.DiagonalResize;
This property was added in v10.2, so if you have an older version, this functionality is not available.
I think the default size of the dropdown is determined by the size of the control, so if you wanted to auto-size it, what you would have to do is call PerformAutoSize on each of the grid columns and then add up the column widths and also add a little extra padding for the grid's borders to get the total width, then set the grid's Width to that size before you it is dropped down.