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Layer refresh for annoations

Hi, I'm using the ultraChart with a CompositeChart and StepAreaChart with numericDateTimeSeries.

My chart is in a UserControl and I use personnal "AlarmAnnotation".

When I want to rewrite my annotation I use an event whitch permit the Form (father) to update the annotations.

I use 2 layer with different format for the x Axis (jj/mm/aaa and hh/mm then two diferent OuterBounds). When I write my new annotation, the OuterBound of my layer has not the good values (for Y), I tried to do




before adding the annotations, but that doesn't work.

Could you tell me how Could I do.


  • 26458
    Offline posted

    I'm not sure why you're not getting the right values for the layer's bounds.
    My recommendation is typically to use FillSceneGraph event to get various bounds and chart objects.
    or use ChartArea.InnerBounds if both your layers fill the same chart area.