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Indent or outdent which event? How do i get indent or outdent informations by clicking?

How do I get the event or the information that "Indent" or "Outdent  was clicked? Any ideas how I get this information? Is possible with the following method?

    Private Sub UltraCalendarInfo1_CalendarInfoChanged(ByVal sender As ObjectByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarInfoChangedEventArgsHandles UltraCalendarInfo1.CalendarInfoChanged

    End Sub

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    Following lines resolved my problem... in the CalendarInfoChanged...

    Dim propChangeInfo As Infragistics.Shared.PropChangeInfo = e.PropChangeInfo.FindTrigger(Nothing)
    Dim propId As TaskPropertyIds = propChangeInfo.PropId

    If propId = TaskPropertyIds.Level Then
    ' Level was changed
    End If