My project is a client -server model we are using vs2010 with lots of infragistics controls on it. you name it we have it on our winforms ultragrid, ultracurrency editor, ultrapanel, ultratab, ultralabel, ultragroupbox everything.
our basic structure is a form-ultratab-ultapanel-ultragroupbox-ultrapanel-and ultracontrols(including ultrawingrid)
everything is fine and good but there is a lot of flickering with our forms when we deploy it.
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);this.UpdateStyles();
we did everything we can think but still getting flickered forms hope any one can help us
Thank you,
Hello, I am running in to a similar issue. My form has a two split containers, one inside another dividing the form in to 4 equal parts. Each part has an UltraTree. For all the tree nodes, an ALT/tooltip is shown with the hidden node-text/title if the nodes are partially hidden. I have a slider control on the form to adjust the form transparency. Everything works great as long as the transparency is not changed (100% opaque). Once the transparency is adjusted, a mouse over the tree nodes with hidden text causes continuous flickering. I tried double buffering the form but to no avail.
The "Container" you refer to in your reply, is that the form itself ? Or in my case the hosting Split container panel? (FYI, my form's backcolor is set to "Container").
Any help is much appreciated!
I think you are genius. and it worked like magic
Pure speculation but one possibility is that the container's background is transparent, in which case (due to limitations inherent in the GDI+ transparency implementation) the flicker is being caused by that.