I'm having trouble editing single occurrence of recurrence. I'm using a custom appointment dialog and can load it and save the series fine but when I chooses Open This Occurrence, make a change, and save it then it removes the recurrence and makes it a single appointment. there is some of what I'm doing. Please let know where I'm going wrong!!!
appRoot = e.Appointment
e.RecurrenceEditType = RecurrenceEditType.Occurrence
appRoot = e.Appointment.RecurringAppointmentRoot
e.RecurrenceEditType = RecurrenceEditType.Series
AppDialog.aAppt = appRoot
AppDialog.rRec = appRoot.Recurrence
AppDialog.iID = appRoot.DataKey
AppDialog.iOwnerID = appRoot.Owner.Key
Changing an occurrence makes it what we refer to as a variance, which means it is still associated with the recurrence, but since it differs from it, it can no longer be described solely by the recurrence.This causes an Appointment instance to be created for it and added to the Appointments collection. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "removes the recurrence and makes it a single appointment", but the Appointment.RecurringAppointmentRoot property of the resulting appointment should still reference the root appointment (whose Recurrence property in turn references the AppointmentRecurrence).
Hi Brian, from the last 6 months i have been trying to make the Exact Recurrence like outlook but ,still not able to complete it. Tried with infragistic sample as well, which is throwing some Register error. can we have a SIMPLE SAMPLE . which save the recurrence , occurence and delete the series. save single occurence.
Still not able to fixed it.
Are you talking about the 'Outlook 2003 Recurrence Dialog' sample from our samples browser? If so, I tried it and it works fine for me. Could you please let me know of your exact version and feel free to tell me if I misunderstood you.
Thanks boris, now i am able to Edit the occurance