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How to handle negative(-ve) value in 3D Pie chart


I am using ultra 3D pie chart in my project. In pie chart  dataset, one data is negative(-1000) and another is positive(50). When i chart  displayed then 95 % of slice(larger slice) display for (-1000) and only 5 % display for value(50). Due to this wrong representation of data happing and meaning get chnaged. Logcally -1000 is less than 50 so it should be display  -1000 in smaller slice and 50 in larger slice. Please help me how to handled this.

  • 53790


    I think that you expect something impossible, because pie chart show percent of units. Let`s look on the example below:

    Example: If you have 2 units and both units have negative values (for example : -100 and -50). The pie chart will show you the percent proportion of negative values. The value = -100 get bigger percent proportion than value =-50. I think it is correct. What is your oppinion ?

    So I think that when you speaking about the percents in your example (Value = -1000 and Value = 50) you can concider that your negative amount get 95% of your gross amount (100 %).

    Thanks and Regards
