in the ShowImageDialog it's possible to select an URL/File via another file dialog. Is it possible to configure the ShowLinkDialog with the same feature?
I use Winforms 7.3.20073.1052.
Many thanks for your help!
Hello, i am new here and i would know how translate the PropertyGrid of the right of the ImageDialogbox.
I tried to derive imagedialog but i don't know how link my usercontrol herited with my ultraformattedtexteditor.Editinfo to get the image to inserted.
Sorry for my poor english.
So you want to browse to a URL or a file? There is nothing like that built-in to the HyperLinkDialog. In theory, it should be possible to derive a class from this dialog and add a button into it that does what you want, but it would not be a trivial undertaking.