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Using UltraProgressBar with Calculated Columns

Hi All,

I'm trying to use an UltraProgressBar as the EditorControl for a calculated column.  The columns formula is correctly being calculated and all cell values are updated appropriately however the values are not being reflected in the progress bar control.  I have tried setting the data type of the calculated column to Double and Int but neither work.

Has anyone else come across this problem or know of any workarounds?


  • 469350
    Offline posted


    UltraCalcManager typically works with Doubles, so using a double makes sense for a formula result.

    The UltraProgressBar works with Integers, though. So that's probably why this isn't working.

    I'm assuming that the column is unbound and that you are just setting the DataType on the column itself? Is that right?

    I tried this out and I am seeing a whole bunch of exceptions. They normally don't show up, but if you set the Visual Studio idea to break on all run-time exceptions, there are a whole bunch that show up when the ProgressBar tries to convert the cell's value (which is a double), into integers, which is what it needs.

    I don't know what you did to get the column to be an int, but the DataType property on the column appears to be ignored for formula result columns, anyway. So setting the DataType to Int does not do anything, the results of the formula are still doubles.

    So I tried using the int function in my formula to get the formula to return an int. But that did not work, either. I also tried converting the Value to an int using a DataFilter, but that still did not work.

    I noticed that this works fine for a double column that is not the result of a formula - even when it is unbound. So this looks like a bug to me.

    I'm going to forward this thread over to Infragistics Developer Support so they can create a case for you and write this up for developer review.

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