We dynamically change context-menu contents in BeforeToolDropdown event. The menu has complex structure with sub-menus. Everything work fine until the form is not tabbed to UltraTabbedMdiManager. When the form is tabbed, after closing one of the sub-menus whole context menu is closing too.
What we should do to prevent this? Thanks in advance.
I downloaded and tested the sample that you provided and I can't see anything wrong with it. I can see the context menu for both docked windows when the application starts. Then, I can undock either window and then re-dock them anywhere (top, left, left right, or have them fill the whole form so that the tab appears) and I can see the context menu for both windows. I can even undock either window and leave them floating and I can still see the context menu for each form.
I am trying to run this application so that if I undock one window and then either leave it floating or re-dock it somewhere else I can see the context menu for the window I just undocked and then re-docked, but I can't see the context menu for the other window which has not been undocked at all. Regardless of how I dock or undock these windows I am still able to see the context menu when I right click on each pane. Do you have a video of what you are doing that you could attach? That would make it easier for me to see what's going on.
Any update on this?
Yes, we have sample code (find attached). Use case is:
1. After application start you will see main form with two child forms attached to right and left edge of main form. Context menus for both of child forms work well .
2. Then undock one of these child forms and put it inside the main form (i.e. Mdi). Context menu under this docked inside form work well. But the context menu under the form that is still docked at one of the edges is broken.
Do you have any sample code that you could provide or could yopu give us more details about your application?