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InitializeRow event triggered many times

I have a very simple grid (with default properties except for ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowAddNew = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AllowAddNew.TemplateOnBottom) with a dataset as a datasource, when the user click in the grid (any cell in the add template) the InitializeRow event is fired once (that has sence),   then the user types a value, then the user click in the add templatet again and this time the InitializeRow event is fired 3 times, why 3 times?

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    InitializeRow fires any time a new row object is created and also any time any cell in that row changes. One of the main uses of this event is so that you can apply colors or other appearance settings to a row or cell based on the value in that cell. So this event will fire quite often. It is supposed to do that.

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