We are using the FormattedTextUIEditorForm to allow users to created formatted text. We want to use a central location for any images that are inserted using the Insert Image form. Is there a way to set the location for the "select image source" button? I see that it retains the last location, so there must be a way to pre-set that?
We are using version 10.3.
Hi Sean,
I don't see any way to initialize that dialog to a default folder. You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics
Thanks, Mike, will do.
If I quit the application and go back in, the editor remembers the last folder I went to for images. Any idea where this is stored?
My guess is that the dialog is just displayed using the current system folder. Windows or DotNet keeps track of that, it's nothing that the dialog is doing.
I don't think there is any way to disable the button, either. That dialog was written mainly for use in our own designers and there was never a need for the functionality you are looking for here.So it's not very customizable.
You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics.