Hi,I have two questions to wingrid and column chooser.
1. How can I rename the items (columns name) in the column chooser?2. The columns in the winGrid have a header with two lines (gridLayout.Bands[0].ColHeaderLines = 2;). With Environment.NewLine I create two lines for the column caption (text + Environment.NewLine + unit). But now I see as column name in the column chooser only the first line: text. The second line "unit" is not displayed. Have you a solution for this problem?
Hi Alexander,
Sorry about that.
It looks like the Value column holds a reference to the whole column and not just the text. And it's using a CreationFilter internally to display the text.
So that means there's no way to change the text. You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics
Hi Mike,Thank you for your help!The solution with e.Row.Height = 50 perfect working.
But the solution with e.Rows.Cells["Value"].Value doesn't work.my code: e.Rows.Cells[2].Value = "test"So all rows in the second column must have the string "test". But the column is empty. I can not see a text. And I can also not change the checkbox. But the following code have the result: "test":Console.WriteLine("cell text: " + e.Row.Cells[2].Text);
What can I do?
I already answered your 2nd question in your previous post on the same subject. To change the text displayed, you could use the same workaround code I posted. Just use e.Row.Cells["Value"].Value and set it to whatever string you like.
window, where I can select which columns to display - Infragistics Community