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Speeding Up Data Loading and Graphing in UltraChart

Hi everyone (first post, yay!),

I've just started working with UltraChart over the last couple days or so, and I think I've grasped the concept of loading in data and graphing pretty well so far. As much as I like the UltraChart tools, I find it's a tad err... slow. Nothing mind boggling, it's only a 5 to 6 second wait time, but even that's something I'd like to avoid.

In this instance, I'm loading in data for usages for say rides in a park. Each ride has it's own usage total per day.

All of this is plotted over several days using a line graph with the x axis being the days and the y axis being the usage totals.

This works fine over short periods where only a few days are shown, or when very few rides are included. However, when say, we want to see usage over a whole year or have more than 100 rides showing, this becomes significantly slower (obviously, because we're adding exponentially more data to graph).

Is there a "best practice" way to make the graphs draw as swiftly as possible?

I'm currently using NumericTimeSeries Classes, adding my points, then adding the series one at a time to the UltraChart.

e.g. like this: (It's Pseudo Code for Simplicity)

for (Ride r in Rides)


NumericTimeSeries mySeries

for  (Date d = xAxis.Date.Min; d < xAxis.Date.End; d = d.AddDays(1))


mySeries.Points.Add(new NumericTimeDataPoint("Days Usage", d.Date.ToString());




I have SQLite managing all my data, so putting the data into a DataTable and loading that into the UltraChart is also possible.

I'd just like to know of the absolute best way to load the series into the UltraChart for maximum performance. Is using DataPoints faster than loading in a Data Table? Is there even yet another way to do this I don't know of that's even better?

I could spend hours recoding, testing, and benchmarking, but I figured I could just as easily ask (and likely save alot of effort as well).


I realize it's a somewhat difficult question to answer, I thank you for your comments and replies. Any input is welcome.

Thank you all for your time.

  • 48586



    I just wanted to know if you were able to solve your issue based on my suggestions or you still need help? Just let me know.

    Thank you.


  • 48586



    I have asked our developers about “Which way of loading of data is faster ?”, and they said that there is not so big difference between the loading of the data table and using data points, but the approach with data table should be a little faster.


    Please let me know if you have any further questions.