I am using UltraFormattedTextEditor that internally stores the formats in HTML.
the normal text editor has function like Select(start index, length) but there is no similar function in Formatted text editor. Hence, I am using following.
txtEditor.EditInfo.SelectionStart = index;
txtEditor.EditInfo.SelectionLength = find.Length;
Actually I am implementing find and replace feature. So when user finds a word, it needs to highlight (select) that word. So, I should be finding withing .Text property and not .Value property. Because .value property may find something within the html formatting text as well. So, once we find a word within .Text property and use its index/length for the EditInfo - it does not display it correctly (may be because the EditInfo is trying to select within the Value property).
So, I am not clear as to what should be the right approach here.
I'm not sure of your exact question here, but it looks like you're on the right track with your thought process. Below I pasted a snippet of code that might help with your creation of a Search/Replace dialog for the editor.
//Find and select the string value string findme = "brown"; int startindex = 0; formattedTextEditor.Value = "The quick <u>brown fox</u> jumped over the lazy dogs."; formattedTextEditor.EditInfo.SelectionStart = formattedTextEditor.Text.IndexOf(findme, startindex); formattedTextEditor.EditInfo.SelectionLength = findme.Length; //Replace the selected string with the string "red" string replacement = "red"; formattedTextEditor.EditInfo.Delete(); formattedTextEditor.EditInfo.InsertValue(replacement);
The issue is how the editor looks when selection is made. When we set the SelectionStart and SelectionLength property, the editor shows some different text selected instead of the one we intend to.
E.g. if the text as "god bless america and eveyone else goes nuts" and you intend to select the word 'bless' - the editor shows 'ss ame' as selected (just an example).
When I replace the text it does it correctly, but the the selection display is not correct.
Here's how it displays on my end with the tests I've ran.
This boils down to two possible ideas left.
1) Something is incorrect in your implementation that causes a shift in the selection area. Can you post any code snippets of how you're implementing a highlight selection?
2) There was a previous mention of this issue occurring one other time, but reproducing the issue has been unsuccessful. If you have a sample project that demonstrates this, I can have the team take a closer look at the issue?
I did not find a way to attach a file here so using the [Insert Media] option. Here is attached a sample project that you can see.
I think the issue is with <br/> tags. The selection works correctly until first <br/> tag is encountered as per the attached project.
I'll create a bug in our system here for an engineer to take a deeper look into what's causing the selection to get out of whack when break returns are involved.
In the meantime I created a work around in your test project. You'll see the code addition below.
int gndx = 0; void btnFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int ndx = txtFormatted.Text.IndexOf(txtFind.Text, gndx); if (ndx >= 0) { gndx = ndx + txtFind.Text.Length; txtFormatted.EditInfo.SelectionStart = ndx; txtFormatted.EditInfo.SelectionLength = txtFind.Text.Length; txtFormatted.Select(); if (txtFormatted.EditInfo.GetSelectedValueAsString(true) != txtFind.Text) { while (txtFormatted.EditInfo.GetSelectedValueAsString(true) != txtFind.Text) { gndx -= 1; txtFormatted.EditInfo.SelectionStart = gndx; txtFormatted.EditInfo.SelectionLength = txtFind.Text.Length; txtFormatted.Select(); } gndx = ndx + txtFind.Text.Length; } } else gndx = 0; }
Did you ever get to the bottom of the carriage returns problem? Please see my other post at http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/75673/382964.aspx. I created the following workaround to get the correct SelectionStart, but it only works when WordWrap = False:
EditInfo.SelectionStart + Math.Max(EditInfo.GetLineNumber(EditInfo.SelectionStart) - 1, 0)
I just wanted to mention that Georgi answered with a screenshot and a video file in the provided forum thread. Please take a look if you have not done so.