How can I get my logo to appear in the circle area of the Ribbon? What property do I modify?
Thank you for the info.I think that this info MUST be included into the documentation. Same for a topic "HOW TO SET/CHANGE/SPECIFY/ an image in the Ribbon ApplicationMenu button?".
Well the rect for the application menu button is 43x43. However, since the button is rounded, you will probably want to use a smaller image or one with transparency on the edges so it does not overlap the button edges.
Is there a recommended size for the bitmap ? It seems to be like 64x64 or 48x48 ??!!
I don't think image animation is supported. You can submit a feature request for this: You can also work around this with the following code in your Form:
private void OnAnimateImage( object sender, EventArgs args ){ if ( this.IsHandleCreated && this.InvokeRequired ) { this.BeginInvoke( new EventHandler( this.OnAnimateImage ), (Image)sender ); } else { UIElement controlElement = ( (IUltraControlElement)this._Form1_Toolbars_Dock_Area_Top ).MainUIElement; UIElement buttonElement = controlElement.GetDescendant( typeof( ApplicationMenuButtonUIElement ) );
if ( buttonElement != null ) buttonElement.Invalidate(); }}
private void Form1_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ){ this._Form1_Toolbars_Dock_Area_Top.Paint += new PaintEventHandler( _Form1_Toolbars_Dock_Area_Top_Paint ); ImageAnimator.Animate( (Image)this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.ApplicationMenuButtonImage, new EventHandler( this.OnAnimateImage ) );}
private void Form1_FormClosed( object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e ){ ImageAnimator.StopAnimate( (Image)this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.ApplicationMenuButtonImage, new EventHandler( this.OnAnimateImage ) );}
private void _Form1_Toolbars_Dock_Area_Top_Paint( object sender, PaintEventArgs e ){ ImageAnimator.UpdateFrames();}