I have a ribbonbar on my form and want to use a contextual tab. I create one with the code below. Turns out that the default alignment of the contextual group caption is left. However when i set the property to aligh it centered, it has no effect.
Am i using the right property? Is there something else i'm missing?
Thx in advance.
Kind regards,Jacob Iedema
Dim tabMot As New RibbonTab("&Motor") mnuBar.Ribbon.Tabs.Add(tabMot) Dim grpMot As New ContextualTabGroup("motor") mnuBar.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroups.Add(grpMot) grpMot.CaptionAppearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Center grpMot.Caption = "Motor" tabMot.ContextualTabGroup = grpMot
Hi Chris,
That works!
Thanks and regards,
Jacob Iedema
Hello Jacob,
The alignment of a ContextualTabGroup's caption is enforced to be Left aligned by the Office 2007 UI Compatibility Guidelines. If you set the Office2007UICompatibility property on the UltraToolbarsManager to false, it should honor your settings.
If it still does not work after changing this property, you might need to install the latest service release, as there has been a recent fix to this area.
Let me know if you still require further assistance.