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Cell width incorrect for WinGrid in CardView

I have a WinGrid with CardView. The columns can be resized by the user. However, if I then try to get the Width of a column like this:

foreach (UltraGridRow row in grid.Rows)
                  Int32 i32Width = row.Cells["Graphic"].Width; ....


it only gives me the initial Width set at design time.


How can I get the current width of a Cell or Column? Thanks!

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    I'm not clear on exactly what you want to get the width of. In CardView, each column is represented horizontally, so it really has no width.

    I guess you are probably referring to the width of the card, in which case, in which case I am pretty sure all cards have to be the same width, so you can get the width of all of the cards like so:


    If that's not what you want, try the CellSizeResolved property on the column and see if that gives you want you need.



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